Spyros Denazis


Spyros Denazis

Professor, University of Patras & Scientific Coordinator of π-ΝΕΤ

Prof. Spyros Denazis has been a faculty member since 2004 in the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, University of Patras, Greece. Between 1996-2004, he had worked in the telecommunications industry, for Intracom S.A and Hitachi Europe in Cambridge, UK and Sophia Antipolis, France. He currently leads an active research group, with a wide range of research activities and European research projects in the areas of 5G/6G, Experimental Testbeds (https://wiki.patras5g.eu/), NFV, SDN, Smart Cities (https://sense.city/
https://safeamea.gr/ ) and Cybersecurity. He is also the Scientific Coordinator of the newly established 5G Competence Centre π-ΝΕΤ (https://www.p-net.gr/).